“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.”
― Mark Anthony, The Beautiful Truth

My Story

These are the words I live by today.

I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration. I’m a professional storyteller on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with thousands of followers across my channels.

But it wasn’t always like that.

Just a few years ago, I was living the life of a typical over-achiever. A challenging yet fulfilling role that kept me on the treadmill and glued to “the system” with very little time off. 

With the 20th year anniversary in that career approaching, I realised that it wasn’t the reality I wanted to live nor the ladder I wanted to climb. I slowly stepped back and started to reconstruct my life, I took time off, started planning long weekends and even an annual holiday. 

That’s how I came to find myself solo camped on the shores of a beautiful lake, watching in awe of the energy and beauty of a storm rolling across the far side of the lake. I knew intuitively there’d be many people who would miss out on experiencing what I was experiencing, the wonder and joy of nature all around.

Lake Waikaremoana

It was apparent to me then and more so since, that for whatever reason, not everybody has the resources, the confidence, support or skills to spend time with nature. In that instant, on the shores of the stunning Lake Waikaremoana with the storm passing over the dream  of the Freewheeling Kiwi was created.

I have since found myself winding the clock back several decades and picking up again with the adventurous travel I’d loved so much, this time documenting my experiences for the inspiration of others. 

And so began the next chapter, this time, as an adventurer, with a mission to share a message of inspiration, courage, positivity and independence.  

I now produce my own travel show on YouTube and have attracted an audience of thousands across my social media platforms.

In the Media

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Hi and welcome to my website. I’m Sharon Evans and I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration.

I’m a professional storyteller here and on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with thousands of followers across my channels.